Jelekë shpëtimi të refugjatëve në Nju Jork (Foto)

Skuadrat e shpëtimit ecin në Lumin Lindor kaluar mbi qindra jelekë shpëtimi.

Këto jelekë shërbyen për të tërhequr vëmendjen e krizës së emigrantëve në Bruklin të Nju Jorkut.

Xhaketat e shpëtimit u morën nga organizata Oxfam një javë përpara Samitit të Kombeve të Bashkuara për Refugjatët dhe Emigrantët, transmeton OraNews.

epa05542617 A view of some of the hundreds of refugee life jackets collected from the beaches of Chios, Greece, on the edge of the East River, to call attention to the refugee crisis in Brooklyn, New York, USA, 16 September 2016. The life jackets which were gathered by the Oxfam organization ahead of next week's United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants.  EPA/JUSTIN LANE

epa05542615 Volunteers move some of the hundreds of refugee life jackets collected from the beaches of Chios, Greece, displayed on the edge of the East River, to call attention to the refugee crisis in Brooklyn, New York, USA, 16 September 2016. The life jackets which were gathered by the Oxfam organization ahead of next week's United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants.  EPA/JUSTIN LANE

epaselect epa05542616 A woman walks past hundreds of refugee life jackets collected from the beaches of Chios, Greece, on the edge of the East River, to call attention to the refugee crisis in Brooklyn, New York, USA, 16 September 2016. The life jackets which were gathered by the Oxfam organization ahead of next week's United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants.  EPA/JUSTIN LANE


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